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Thursday, February 3, 2011

This looks awesome!!!

     Let me start off with a retraction from a previous post, apparently there is some imagination left in the collective heads of knuckle that make up the movie industry in Hollywood. If one was so inclined to sift through the tired wickedness of re-makes and re-boots, one might be well rewarded with gem of a movie so precious, so coveted, so HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN? WTF?

      So i personally haven't seen a Rutger Hauer film in a very long time, but I can comfortably say that this film is the last thing that i expected. Filmed in the "Grindhouse" style that harkens viewers back to a simpler time of the midnight matinee; nights filled with warm beer, soggy popcorn, and MIND BLOWINGLY SHITTY/AWESOME?OMFGWTFBBQ MOVIES!!!???11!!1? That's right kiddies, the plot of this sum-bitch is the title. So simple in it's premise, so honest in it's intentions, so brutally violent that it makes Die Hard look like a 2hr "Tickle Me Elmo" party.

For the especially dense, allow me to break this down in equation form...


And just look at that tagline, that reads like something I would have made up when I was in high school.

     Now I'm not saying that this movie is going to be for everyone, (seriously, if you try to bring any form of a female companion to this movie, well, I don't know what to tell you, you're an asshole i guess.)
But for people like me, that obviously come from houses of learned doctors, and brilliant philosophers, sometimes you just need some raw entertainment that allows your overcooked noodle to settle for a bit.

So in summation, I like turtles.

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